Finally, I get around to doing this. People tell me that I should I now I'm going to. My prices are negotiable, but this will give an idea of what I'm asking.
General Art
Sketches: $5
Ink/Line art: 10$
Full Render:25$
+$5 for additional/complex characters
What I'm Willing to Draw?
This is tricky as there are only a group of things I won't draw, but I feel there are so few that I may not need to list them. Example would be scat and urination, no thank you. SO, pm or email me to check, it never hurts to ask.
I'm going to a first come first served thing. I'll have 6 slots open and when those get filled I won't open commissions until all the request have been fulfilled. (slots will be posted on my page)
Send me a message if you have any questions.
preview of my work:
Thank you, and nice one :)